Photo hunt/FSO: Sun Set
Alphabe-Thursday: Letter H for habanero chilli
Habanerowas once the hottest chilli in the world but been dethroned. I don't want to eat any chilli that is hotter than my beloved habanero.
Habanero is really a fiendish chilli. Beer or bread necessary to take down the burn!
In Singapore, I was given this habanero chilli, I ate the chilli and germinated the seeds. I got hundreds of chillis from my two plants. My friends were "burnt" by this very hot chilli from Mexico. Even my Indian friend's husband who could eat very hot food had to surrender to this little thing. All of us had great laughter when we tried the chilli.
The plant is gone but I have the photos. The original chilli came from Mexico, courtesy from my friend W. on his tours.
I also learnt that to beat this fireball, sip slowly milk, giving yourself a milky mustache, or take some yoghurt. This is from my research. It works like magic.
Habanero Hot Pepper (Red Savina™) PVP - Guinness WorldRecord HP426-10
Capsicum chinense. Plant produces good yields of 2" long by 1 ½" wide wrinkled hot peppers. Peppers are extremely hot and turn from green to shiny red when mature. Plant has green stems, green leaves, and white flowers. The Red Savina™ is protected by the Plant Variety Protection Act, #9200255. United States Department of Agriculture, PI 562384 PVPO. A variety developed in California, USA. pk/10
Height: 42"
Sunlight: Full Sun
HPLC Test Results: Guinness Records *
Guinness World Record Holder
* In 1994, the Red Savina was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as one of the hottest spices. It is recorded as the hottest pepper at 577,000 Scoville units.
***In Auckland, my friend C gave me some Malaysian Chilli plants, and they were very spicy. i kept the seeds to grow for this year. Sadly, I got only a few plants. C. went to the Avondale and bought me 6 Thai Chilli plants. My Hong Kong friend Mrs. T gave me another type of Mexican chilli. I am waiting to see they will grow to give me some chillis as spicy hot as my habanero***
Alphabe-Thursday letter I for icing
The cute wool on the sheep's back are actually Icing.
Probiotics in pregnancy
Improving health during pregnancy & preventing infant eczema and allergy
We want to find out if by giving pregnant women a specific probiotic we can:
Women taking part in the study need to:
1. Be less than 16 weeks pregnant
2. Either they (the pregnant woman) or the biological father of the unborn child must have had eczema, asthma or hay fever that was treated by a doctor at some time in the past
I wish this study was conducted when I had my babies.
Improving health during pregnancy & preventing infant eczema and allergy
What is the study about?
We want to find out if by giving pregnant women a specific probiotic we can:
- Stop infants developing eczema and allergy
- Help pregnant women’s health by preventing:
- Some vaginal infections
- A type of diabetes that occurs only in pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are helpful microbes that occur naturally in many foods such as yoghurt. They provide health benefits.Who can take part in this study?
Women taking part in the study need to:
1. Be less than 16 weeks pregnant
2. Either they (the pregnant woman) or the biological father of the unborn child must have had eczema, asthma or hay fever that was treated by a doctor at some time in the past
I wish this study was conducted when I had my babies.
Alphabe-Thursday letter J for Jumbo sale
![Photo: Charity sale for Africa,](http://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/p235x350/10534119_10154427638975541_8654043514563624048_n.jpg)
A jumbo sale to raise money for Africa,
FSO: Landmarks One tree hill.
http://mytownshootout.blogspot.co.nz/ One tree hill monument.
The obelix monument is on top of One Tree Hill extinct volcano. The cloud looks like smoke come out of the monument,
The monument and the one tree were one of Auckland's most obvious landmark. However, the One tree Hill has become None tree Hill. Tourists often ask this question ,"Why is it called One Tree Hill, when there is no tree?"
Until 2000, a radiata pine tree stood next to the obelisk. This tree (one of two pines) had been planted to replace a sacred Māori Totara tree, the tree which had given Maungakiekie its English name. This totara had been cut down by a white settler in 1852 for firewood.
However, in the early 1960s during a jamboree, a group of overseas Boy Scouts cut down one of the two newer pines. The remaining tree was later attacked twice with chainsaws by Māori protesters (partly because it was not a native New Zealand species and thus considered an insult). The first attack happened on 28 October 1994, the anniversary of the 1835 Declaration of Independence.[2] A second attack on the 5th of October 2000[3] left the tree unable to recover and so it was removed due to the risk of it dying and falling down.
Landmarks of my Town [Friday My Town Shoot Out] [Link-Up]
A landmark is a recognizable natural or man-made feature used for navigation, a feature that stands out from its near environment and is often visible from long distances. In modern use, the term can also be applied to smaller structures or features, that have become local or national symbols.
election fever
New Zealand's next General Election will be held on Saturday 20 September 2014.
You see billboards at road junctions, fences .
This is an old achived photo of a local election. Feeling under the weather, I didn't feel like going out in the cold to take more photos.
Power Morcellator Lawsuit
I was invited write some thing about this. I see the victims of these are like the oppressed women in my book: Cry of Oppressed Women. I am horrified a procedure like which which is not proven to be saved is allowed to be performed on women. Women who have no voice.
In my fourth book,, I wrote that I wrote my book to give women a voice. This is another dimension, giving women who were subjected to a procedure without knowing the full facts.
In 1979, at 24, I underwent a operation to remove a cyst in my breast. I was not counseled what the procedure was and what the implication was. All I was told was it is just a cyst. At the ward, prior to the op, old women came to hug me. Eight years later, I was to have another identical surgery. Then I was given a full explanation and counseling. How different it was. I wrote about these two experience in my book: Diary of a bereaved woman.
What we want is information. Our body is ours. Not a body part for doctors to carry out as an experience, to try out their tool.
Power Morcellator
In my fourth book,, I wrote that I wrote my book to give women a voice. This is another dimension, giving women who were subjected to a procedure without knowing the full facts.
In 1979, at 24, I underwent a operation to remove a cyst in my breast. I was not counseled what the procedure was and what the implication was. All I was told was it is just a cyst. At the ward, prior to the op, old women came to hug me. Eight years later, I was to have another identical surgery. Then I was given a full explanation and counseling. How different it was. I wrote about these two experience in my book: Diary of a bereaved woman.
What we want is information. Our body is ours. Not a body part for doctors to carry out as an experience, to try out their tool.
Each year, 600,000 women in the US will undergo hysterectomies. This makes it the most common non-pregnancy related surgery for women. By the age of 60, one in three women will have undergone a hysterectomy. Unfortunately, just because a surgery is common doesn't make it safe, or even recommended. Women whose doctors use a 'Power Morcellator' when performing hysterectomies may be putting their health at risk without realizing the implications of the procedure.
The power morcellator is used to cut fibroids into small pieces so they can be removed from the body easily. However, these morcellators, which consist of small, spinning blades, can spread undetected cancer through the pelvic and abdominal cavity of affected women. Once cancer is spread through morcellation, the average woman will die within 24 to 36 months.
The problem with using a power morcellator during hysterectomies is there is no way to diagnose that the patient is cancer free before performing the operation. Using a power morcellator to destroy the fibroids will seed cancer throughout the abdominal region if the patient has early, undiagnosed cancer. Rather than treating a sarcoma confined to the uterus, the doctor is faced with treating cancer that has spread throughout the abdominal cavity, and is not one, but multiple, tumors.
According to a recent assessment by the FDA, about one in 350 women who undergo a hysterectomy for the treatment of fibroids may have an undetected cancer. One of these types of cancer is leiomyosarcoma (LMS), which is an aggressive form of uterine sarcoma with a particularly poor prognosis.
On July 10th and 11th, the FDA met to discuss the dangers of morcellation and to formulate a recommendation on the use of morcellation during hysterectomies. While awaiting their decision, it is our priority to raise awareness about this procedure. Our hope is to put a stop to the use of morcellators during hysterectomies. We firmly believe this will stop many cancer deaths.
Amazon Books" CRY of Oppressed Women
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Product Details
- Flexibound: 292 pages
- Publisher: ann chin; 1ST edition (2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0473287153
- ISBN-13: 978-0473287153
- Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 11.7 ounces
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No Smacking Law.
"The police will get you." a dilemma faced by parents when they feel they have a necessity to discipline their kids. We have the No smacking rule here in NZ, and I understand in Oz too.
A friend's husband was jailed because it was reported he physically abused his daughter in a playground in front of other parents.
A friend's husband was jailed because it was reported he physically abused his daughter in a playground in front of other parents.
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Emily San Mei Chan.
New San Mei film clip for WARS shared to the internet by Nylon Magazine
The Chan family is very proud of our Emily. She is now touring England and Europe with her husband Morgan. Emily is the third daughter of Charles Chok Kwong.San Mei is her Chinese name.
angel gown
When Kirsten started this , I supported her. Andrew stayed in NICU for 55 days. I was with him 24/7. I was just drawn and I forgot to buy anything for him to wear. It would be so good it Kirsten was around then.
When Kirsten started this , I supported her. Andrew stayed in NICU for 55 days. I was with him 24/7. I was just drawn and I forgot to buy anything for him to wear. It would be so good it Kirsten was around then.
Alphabe-Thursday letter L for Libary
![Photo: It is a privilege to have the library of my Alma Mata circulate all my four books. This is the library of Auckland University when we visited in 2000.](http://scontent-a-pao.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p403x403/10501765_10154480631005541_7690864734324726291_n.jpg?oh=fbcf868821035baa93ed8c6d2ebf49e8&oe=54503EB2)
I am very privileged that my alma mata's library is circulating all my 4 books.
Alphabe-Thursday letter M for mum.
3 years ago, around this time, I flew down to earthquake torn Christchurch city to meet the Chew family. The last time I saw them in 1975. There I acknowledged a wonderful woman, Connie Ang to be my Kai Ma. This is the photo I have in my cover photo, Many have asked if she is my mum. Yes, I chose her to be my mum.
FSO: Rooms
Home away from home, a spartan service apartment .
My teaching space, can't show you his face. He was shaking to make butter.
My adult ESOL students at the Mt Albert Baptist Church Auditorium.
Aug 15: Rooms - Share with us rooms from your home. What makes you happy, what are you currently working on. Or, share with us rooms from museums, schools or other objects from your town.
Alphabe-Thursday letter N for nest
![Photo: an unusual bird's nest.](http://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p235x350/10592789_10154531146475541_5551719191821224471_n.jpg?oh=44e76471d2dee37aaa3183d865d5bc1c&oe=547DE36C&__gda__=1415482839_89c997e2aa5425a06453523513ff82c1)
Once a bird made a nest at our norfolk pine that Mother had planted as a Christmas tree. Mother brought the nest inside the house to the aghast of Dad. Dad made her take the tree downstairs to the garden.
My very smart mum removed the nest and tied it to another plant in the garden. Mum warned us not to go to the plant. We never checked if the bird rejected the nest.
Lachenalia, winter flowers in Auckland
Lachenalia is a genus of bulbs in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae, which are usually found in Namibia and South Africa. Most of these plants have a dormancy period, and the new roots of these plants will always grow every year. Wikipedia
common name of "Soldier Boys"
who is ann chin
我是 Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪
我是 Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪
In Sarawak my name was Kit Suet. The meaning is clean
I am the writer of "Diary of a Bereaved Mother "
丧儿记,: 丧失儿子的母亲的一本传记
"From China To Borneo and beyond"
"Mail Order Bride."
海外华人的中国魂: 从中国,到南洋,到更远
http://annkitsuet-chinchan.blogspot.co.nz/2013/02/who-is-ann-kit-suet-chin-chan.html"Mail Order Bride."
Forward by : Pastor Jonathan Dove.
My baby died 24 years ago. I have become a spokes person for bereaved parents. I am a member of Sands and a parent advocate.
After the book was released,
My book was featured in the Aucklander.
http://annkitsuetchin.blogspot.co.nz/2011/06/diary-of-bereaved-mother-newspaper.html "words of healing"
I appeared in Television 1 Down Under program. It's ok to cry http://tvnz.co.nz/asia-downunder/s2011-e31-video-4453514 On baby bereavement.
I spoke in the Baptist Women's Annual Convention, North Island Chapter.
My book was exhibited at the Peacock
Art Gallery, Upton Country, Dorset, Park England.
I am going to present a workshop on Asian Infant Bereavement at the Sands National conference for Sands families and medical personnels for 200 attendees in September 2013
My book was exhibited at the Peacock
Art Gallery, Upton Country, Dorset, Park England.
I am going to present a workshop on Asian Infant Bereavement at the Sands National conference for Sands families and medical personnels for 200 attendees in September 2013
Available in New Zealand at: Women's Bookshop, University Bookshop, Auckland, Church of Christ Bookshop
Online orders: Wheeler books,Fishpond.co.nz academybooks.co.nz/product/For Overseas order: www.abebooks.co.uk,
Bookworks <info@bookworksnz.co.nz>
Bookworks <info@bookworksnz.co.nz>
or email:annkschin@yahoo.com
categories: self help, inspiration, bereavement,
ISBN: 978-0-473-18709-5
First edition, February, 2013 310 pagescategories:Life Stories (Biographies,
Autobiographies, Family Histories,
ISBN: 978-0-473-23900-8
ISBN: 978-0-473-18709-5
First edition, February, 2013 310 pages
Autobiographies, Family Histories,
ISBN: 978-0-473-23900-8
First edition: July 2013 Fiction
ISBN: 978-0-473-25414-8
ISBN: 978-0-473-25414-8
This book is the embodiment of the darker side of today’s society.
Published May 2014
Published May 2014
Women face many kinds of oppression through the centuries. The author takes you to a journey of modern day oppression.
This story traces the life of Nadine, a girl born to Indian parents. It embodies the issues of a Kiwi girl, Nadine, growing up in conflicting cultures and getting lost in her environment.
Nadine grows up to overcome her problems to help women who suffered from physical and mental violence, domestic violence, rape, pornography, swinging, incest, bullying, sex with minors, sex slavery and human trafficking.
Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it.
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind
save the world/alphabe thursday Letter P for paper bag
![Photo: recyclable paper shopping bags](http://scontent-b-pao.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p235x350/1464026_10154583355330541_7152681473718230123_n.jpg?oh=dfbfee16000efa69bbb346e0dded60da&oe=54625589)
Paper bags are getting fashionable with those who are more conscious of recycling.
a builder at work